QUEERING DI TEKNOLOJIK is a message from the future. The film is a companion piece to QUEER BABEL (2018) and utilises the same artificial intelligence digital voice software, except this time I have ‘queered the machine’ by training the AI with multiple voices. I worked with a group of other queer artists and activists, not only on the creation of the digital voice, but in deciding what we wanted the voice to say. We speculated about the possibilities of a temporality yet to come and created a whole backstory about the future and how humanity arrived there, which then informed the script. What does the future look, sound and feel like? Have they managed to overcome the challenges of climate change and avert the impending environmental catastrophe? Did they succeed in dismantling the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy and finally achieve equality for all? Which strategies of protest and resistance were the most effective? This is a message of hope.
Screenings 2022
- Festivals:
Govanhill International Festival & Carnival, Glasgow
Hungry Eyes Festival, Giessen, Germany
- Festivals:
Palace International Film Festival, Bristol
- Festivals:
The Queer Archive Festival, Athens
Ann Arbor Film Festival, Michigan
BFI Flare Film Festival, London
DC Shorts International Film Festival, Washington DC
Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival
Oslo/Fusion Film Festival
GAZE LGBT+ Film Festival, Ireland
Queer Visions Film Festival, Bristol
Festival des Cinémas Différents de Paris - University screening: LCC Screen School Public Programme - London College of Communication
- Guest lecture: Pop-up common room: ‘Putting PhD Practice at the Centre of the Conversation’. - London College of Communication
- Conference: Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism (SGFA) – Tokyo
- Festivals:
BFI London Film Festival
Fringe! Queer Film Fest
image+nation Festival Film LGBTQueer Montréal
- Winner of the Best British Film Award - 2020 Queer Visions Film Festival, Bristol.
- Winner of the 'George Manupelli Founder’s Spirit Award' at the 2020 Ann Arbor Film Festival.
www.aafilmfest.org/single-post/2020/03/29/And-the-Winners-Are - Nominated for the Best Short Film Award - 2019 BFI London Film Festival.
- Nominated for Best British Short - 2020 Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival.